최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


Determinants of Knowledge Acquisition and Its Impact on Subsidiary Performance

  • 13

近年来, 全球经济环境正日益显现出动态、复杂、不确定性特征, 顺应这一特征, 全球学习能力成为跨国公司赢得竞争优势的关键。全球学习过程主要通过各海外子公司自主灵活的学习, 创造新知识, 并迅速有效地在整个跨国公司内部进行传递与整合来实现。因此, 海外子公司本地知识获取已经构成了跨国公司知识管理的重要组成部分。基于组织学习理论, 本文考察了影响海外子公司知识获取决定因素及本地获取的知识对企业绩效的影响。研究结果表明, 海外子公司的吸收能力和经验多样性对知识获取有正向影响, 但时间经验和网络嵌入性对知识获取没有显著作用。此外, 本土化战略和知识获取绩效评价标准对知识获取有显著影响, 同时海外子公司在本地获取的知识对子公司绩效有显著的正向影响。这些结果表明, 海外子公司自身学习能力和母公司对海外子公司的管理方式是影响知识获取的重要因素, 而海外子公司本地知识获取是跨国公司成功实施国际化战略的一个重要条件。

In recent years, international business scholars have been paying greater attention to MNEs global learning. This study developed an integrated framework, tries to analyze the determinants of knowledge acquisition and its impact on subsidiary performance. Our results show that absorptive capacity and diversity of experience have positive effect on knowledge acquisition, but intensity of experience and network embeddedness have no significant effect. In addition, we also find that localization strategy and subsidiary performance appraisal system stressing the development of new knowledge have positive effect on knowledge acquisition. Lastly, knowledge that acquired host country has positive effect on subsidiary performance. This finding implies that it is necessary to acquire local knowledge for successful internationalization. In conclusion, this study implies that subsidiary’s learning capacity and parent’s management style are important to knowledge acquisition and the extent of knowledge acquisition also important to subsidiary performance.


Ⅰ. 绪论

Ⅱ. 理论背景与研究假设

Ⅲ. 研究设计

Ⅳ. 分析结果

Ⅴ. 结论与讨论


