최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


A Study on Risk Management Pattern of Chinese Family Enterprises: The Case of Zhejiang Area

  • 9

目前中国300多万家民营企业中, 90%以上是家族企业。随着经济的发展, 企业规模的扩大, 外部竞争日益激烈。本文认为, 中国家族企业在全球竞争背景下, 为规避风险提高其竞争实力, 应强化并营运好市场导向和创造知识能力以及新产品竞争优势这三者间的理论关系。本文认为市场导向就是企业对信息的创造、扩散、反应等过程;知识创造能力包括企业获得顾客知识、竞争知识、技术知识等能力;决定新产品竞争优势的因素有新产品的质量信誉、新产品的独特功能、新产品的外观新颖性、新产品的易接近性等。根据以上设定, 按照变量的定义设计了问卷调查内容, 调查对象选择了浙江地区50个家族企业, 并面向这些家族企业的中高层管理人员共计150人发放了问卷, 并九个变量进行效度和信度分析。分析结果显示, 中国浙江地区家族企业风险管理模式是通过以市场导向的知识创造能力开发出具有竞争优势的新产品来实现。根据这一结果, 本文提出了七项家族企业的建议。

In China, More than 90% companies belong to family enterprises in 3 million private companies. With the development of companies, external competition is increasingly fierce. This paper believe that it is necessary to strengthen the relationships among the market oriented strategy, innovation ability and new product competitive advantages. This paper argues that market orientation is the processes of creation, diffusion and reaction; determinants of new product competitive advantage include quality reputation, new product features, novelty of the appearance of new products and accessibility of new products. According to the above assumptions, we designed questionnaire and the investigation objects are 150 senior management who come form 50 family enterprise in Zhejiang area and performed analysis of reliability and validity with nine variables. Results show that the risk management mode of family enterprise adopts market oriented innovation strategy. According to the results, this paper puts forward several suggestions to improve competitiveness of family enterprises.


Ⅰ. 绪论

Ⅱ. 研究背景及相关概念

Ⅲ. 研究思路及假设检验

Ⅳ. 分析结果

Ⅴ. 结论


