The fourth industrial revolution is on hyperconnectivity. Hyper connectivity refers to connection between men, between men and system, and between systems, and artificial intelligence takes the role of intermediation. Artificial intelligence is completed based on the artificial part that is computer and robot, and intellectual part that is mathematics and linguistics. Deep learning that learns by itself by emulating the structure of neural network of human; as humans use five senses to receive information, self-learning deep learning takes information from visual stimulation. Recent artificial neural network machine translation technology is gradually minimizing translation errors. On the other hand, to such rapid development of language and translation, the school s education is not keeping up with the pace. For this reason, it is obvious that it is the time to seriously think through about the language education and conduct studies. In addition, in regards to language and translation issues, in the machine translation era, translators should be able to offer translation total service that professionally handles not only translation but pre-editing and post-editing to minimize errors of machine translation.
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Deep Learning and Language
Ⅲ. Language, Translation, and Remaining Problems
Ⅳ. Conclusion and Suggestion: One Point of View