최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Multiculturalism and Translation in the Caldecott Awards

  • 36

Picture books have an impact on children’s life and their growth. Since the Caldecott award is one of the most prestigious awards in the picture books, it is noteworthy to investigate the contents of the winners in the multicultural perspective. This study examined the multiculturalism in the Caldecott winners that have been made into films. Those books show male-dominated societies while females serve a minor passive role, and in terms of races, whites dominate the main characters. This should be changed in accordance with different aspects of the society. Also the translated versions of English picture books still have the prejudice of the society by using culturally appropriate suffixes and words. This study suggests that translation should be carefully done even in children’s books to reflect the societies we live in, and the roles and responsibilities of translators are highly emphasized.

I. Introduction

II. Multicultural Literature & Caldecott Winners

III. Multicultural Aspects of the Caldecott Medal Wining Picture Books That Have Been Made into Films

IV. Comparison between Original English Versions and Translated Versions of the Caldecott Winners and Honor Books

V. Conclusion and Implications
