최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

A Study on Translating Performance in the Adverbs with Two Forms and Different Meanings

  • 5

Translation has been used one of the essential teaching methods in the English classroom for a long time. Although it is a significant teaching methods, it has been excluded from measuring the students’ English proficiency in the English classroom. The purpose of this study aimed at exploring the performance differences in translating the adverbs with two forms but differing meanings into Korean. More specifically, this study investigated awareness of the differing meanings of the adverbs with two forms through translation. A total of 70 high school second years participated in the study. They were asked to translate 16 sentences during their class and each sentence was assigned 1 point each, implying the total score amounted to 16. The collected data was analyzed utilizing SPSS and the EXCEL program. The findings of the analysis revealed that the students performed differently in translating the adverbs with two forms and different meanings in the paired sentences. One of the findings was that the students outperformed in translating the adverbs rather than -ly adverbs. Another finding was that the students translated the adverbs “high” and “highly” most correctly, while they translated the adverbs “fair’ and ”fairly“ most poorly. Thus, these findings suggest that translation can be a teaching method in public English classroom since translations enable students to internalize the differences and apply to the sentences in which the different forms of the adverbs are used.

I. Introduction

II. Literature Review

III. Method

IV. Results and Discussion

V. Conclusion and Implications
