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KCI등재 학술저널

대중 실용서 번역전략 고찰

Study on Translation Strategies in the Korean Translated Text of Tools of Titans, a Popular Practical Book, by Tim Ferris

  • 60

This study aims to examine some translation strategies in the Korean translated text of Tools of Titans, a well known self-help book, written by Tim Ferris. The criteria of the examination are following. First, intended functions of the source text (ST below) and the translated text (TT below), and the motivation when the readers get while reading the ST and TT. Second, the traits of the readers of ST and TT, and the place where the text reading happens. Third, the lengths of the two texts of ST and TT. These three are based on the Translation Brief(TB) from the functional approach. The main results of this study are first, ST and TT are found to share the similar effect-centered text feature. In terms of the motivation of the readers can also be said to have similar nature. Second, the traits of the readers of ST and TT, and the place where the text reading happens look quiet different, so many translation strategies are found in the area. Third, the page numbers of ST decreases from 675 to 368 by about 54.5%. It may reflect the tendency of intention of the translators to pursuit bigger readability of TT.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 번역언어에 대한 연구

Ⅲ. 번역 전략 분석

Ⅳ. 결론
