This study focuses on the translation books published into Korean in order to analyze the meta-text function of the books related to Translation Studies focusing on 1) statistical characteristics: distribution of author / translator / source language; and 2) nature of books: introduction, theory, and practicality-oriented, subject area and main theory. And this study conducts a comprehensive discussion on the premise of meta-textual functions of translation books introduced in target culture in the birth of new discipline with dedication to establishing academic infrastructure to induce its development: 1) building knowledge infrastructure of a new discipline, ‘Translation Studies’; 2) the establishment of the academic status; and 3) establishment of the virtuous cycle of Translation Studies.
I. 서론
II. 번역학 학술도서 출간 현황
III. 번역학 학술도서의 메타텍스트 기능
IV. 결론