최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

성인 여성의 녹차섭취에 따른 건강지표와 영양소 섭취량

Healthy Index and Nutrient Intake of Korean Adult Female According to Green Tea Intake - 2010, 2011 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

  • 55

This study analyzed the health index and nutrient intakes by green tea consumption among women aged 30-64 years using the Korea National Nutrition Examination Survey 2010-2011. The frequency of green tea consumption was based on a food frequency questionnaire. Green tea drinkers were defined as those who drank at least one cup of tea per day, while non-drinkers consisted of those who drink the tea 6-11 times a year. Approximately 503 and 1,993 subjects were categorized as tea drinkers and non-drinkers, respectively. As a result, no significant differences in age, height, weight, waist circumference, and body mass index were observed between the two groups. Although green tea drinkers showed a significantly higher HDL-cholesterol level, there were no significant differences in cholesterol or triglyceride level between the two groups. Green tea drinkers showed significantly higher energy as well as all other nutrient intakes than non-drinkers (p < 0.001). When stratified according to age, the green tea drinkers of Korean women aged 30-50 years showed significantly higher nutrient intakes, except for carbohydrates, retinol, and vitamin B1; given the relatively low levels of calcium and potassium intake, green tea drinkers had significantly higher levels than the non-drinkers. Women aged 50-64 years showed a statistically significantly higher nutrient intakes, except for vitamin A, carotene, and vitamin B1; a higher calcium and potassium intake levels were also observed among green tea drinkers compared to non-drinkers. Therefore, comparably higher HDL cholesterol levels and better nutritive status were observed in green tea drinkers despite the insufficient calcium or potassium intake (p < 0.001).

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