최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

한반도 군비통제와 평화구축 - 9.19 남북 군사합의서를 중심으로 -

Arms Control and Peace Construction on the Korean Peninsula - Focusing on the 9.19 Inter-Korean Military Agreement -

  • 182

The main purpose of the article is to explore the implementation of the 9.19 Inter-Korean Military Agreement and arms control, indispensable for “the transition to an inter-Korean peace regime for the denuclearized Korean Peninsula and peaceful permanent coexistence of the two Koreas” considering the unusual and unique division of the Korean Peninsula. It also delves into the challenges and direction of this arms control. The purpose of arms control on the Korean Peninsula is to manage peace and promote peaceful reunification by resolving military tensions between the two Koreas. To achieve this, the two states must develop arms control into a structural configuration that conforms to the efforts towards the peace treaty and the operational one that reduces military threats, such as the dismantlement of North Korea s nuclear and missile programs as well as massive conventional forces, based on Confidence Building Measures (CBM) in the military. Ultimately, discussions on arms control and a peace regime on the Korean Peninsula will determine the pace of these discussions vis-à-vis North Korea s denuclearization. The Panmunjom Declaration, announced on April 27, and the Military Agreement, on September 9 in 2018, are typical examples. South Korea s military should preemptively prevent North Korean provocations and minimize damages in the event of a conflict with the implementation and verification of these agreements.

I. 들어가는 말

Ⅱ. 군비통제 개념과 선행연구 검토

III. 군비통제 단계와 한반도 군비통제 현황

IV. 한반도 평화와 군비통제 사례: 9.19 남북군사합의서 이행과 과제

V. 맺음말
