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KCI등재 학술저널

從唐代 「擬判」 論法律教育─以《文苑英華》為主

Discussion on Legal Education from Imitated Judgments in Tang Dynasty -- Based on Wen-yuan-ying-hua

DOI : 10.18347/hufshis.2020.73.103
  • 41

이 연구는 당대의 모의재판자료 즉 ‘擬判’을 통해서 당대 사인의 법률지식과 생활교육에 대해서 검토해보았다. 『문원영화』에는 50권의 당대 의판 관련 기록이 수록되어 있는데, 총 1062건에 관한 것이다. 이들 당대 판결문[唐判]은 考試의 산물로서, 判文은 判題와 判詞 두 부분으로 구성되며, 사인들의 예상문제에 대한 해답이라 할 수 있다. 수험생들의 의판은 사인들이 필히 갖추어야하는 덕목인 身言書判에서 文理가 뛰어나야 한다는 요구를 구비해야 하는데, 이른바 ‘문리’라는 것은 논리적인 추론과 사례 운용, 예법사상 등을 포괄한다. 이 연구는 법률사와 교육사적인 분석을 시도하였다. 당대 의판에 보이는 법령에 대해서, 내재적 法意와 연원 · 연혁 외에도, 법과 사회 · 역사적 환경 · 특수사건 사이의 상호작용에 대해서도 고찰해보았다. 논문의 연구목적은 두 가지로 나눠볼 수 있는데, 첫 번째는 당대 법률교육 특히 사인들이 시험에 응시하고 답안을 작성하기까지, 당대교육이 어떤 기초훈련을 제공했는지 살펴보았다. 『蒙求』와 같은 계몽서적의 유전과 영향을 추적해보았다. 判詞와 응시생의 지식체계의 형성에 관해서는, 『經』 · 『史』와 훈몽소학의 교육적 내원을 갖는 판문(판결문)은 명확하게 법률을 제시하지 못하더라도, 수험생의 법률지식이 취약하게 드러난 것으로 보지 않았다. 역대로 관원들의 審案에 있어서 법률조목의 운용은 최후의 수단이었기 때문이다. 두 번째는 判題에 드러나는 생활교육에 대한 부분인데, 특히 &#65378;師學門&#65379; 16건의 판결에 보이는 법률문제가 무엇인지 검토해보았다. 주제를 당대 중기이전의 생활규범까지 확대하여 논의해보면서, 사생의 법률관계와 한계에 대해서도 관찰해보았다. 마지막으로 관원들이 소송처리 능력의 함양 그리고 고시제도와 실무통치능력의 관련성에 대해서도 심층적으로 논의해보았다. <師學門>의 판제와 예법교육에 대해서는, &#25945;師聚衆과 사회안전, 학생 일상의례, 사인과 공인의 예의 그리고 사인 구학과 구관의 한계 등 네 가지 항목에 대해서 분석해보았다. 사인들이 만약 審判에 관련되면, 신분은 관인과 같아지며, 禮는 가장 중요한 생활법칙이었다. 本&#30740;究從唐代的 &#65378;擬判&#65379; 著手, 以建構唐朝士人的法律知識與生活&#25945;育。《文苑英華》中有50卷唐代 &#65378;擬判&#65379;, 共計1062道。這些 &#65378;唐判&#65379; 是考試的&#29986;物, 判文分成判題與判詞二大部分, 乃是士子們模擬考題的作答。考生的擬判必須具備身言書判的 &#65378;文理優長&#65379; 之要求, 所謂 &#65378;文理&#65379; 包括邏輯推論、典故運用及禮法思想。 本&#30740;究是進行法律史與&#25945;育史的分析。唐代擬判中所見的 &#65378;法&#65379; 令, 除了內在的法意、淵源與沿革, 也考察 &#65378;法&#65379; 與外在社會、歷史環境及特殊事件的互動作用。&#30740;究目的有二, 一是要探討唐代的法律&#25945;育, 尤其究竟唐人的&#25945;育提供士子們應試作答基礎訓練&#28858;何?歸納唐代以來如《蒙求》的童蒙書籍流傳與影響。就判詞與考生的知識體系形成而言, 《經》、《史》與蒙求小學的&#25945;育來源, 判詞&#21363;使未能明確指出法律, 不見得考生的法律知識就顯薄弱, 歷來官員審案, 法條運用是最後手段。二是判題所呈現的生活&#25945;育, 特別是<師學門>的16道判所見的法律問題&#28858;何?延伸討論唐朝中期前的 &#65378;生活&#65379; 規範, 進而觀察師生的法律關係與分際。最終企望深度探討官員在 &#65378;獄訟&#65379; 能力的養成, 以及考試制度與實務治理的關聯性。就<師學門>的判題與禮法&#25945;育而言, 包括&#25945;師聚&#30526;與社會安全、學生日常儀禮、士人與公人的禮儀, 以及士人求學仕宦的分際等四項。士人若涉審判, 其身分與官人相同, 而且禮是最重要的生活法則。

The purposes of this research consist of the study on imitated judgment (Ni pan) in Tang Dynasty, and survey of the construction of knowledge, life custom and education about law at the same period. We can find from the finest blossoms in the garden of literature (Wen-yuan-ying-hua) that there are fifty volumes of imitated judgments, which, on a whole, have come into a huge amount of 1062 articles of issues. Imitated judgment, mainly inclusive of judging article and judging content, is not only the collective information base applied for examination, but also the acknowledged answers to these issues. According to the principle on length, depth, and elaboration, the essential logic as well as rhetoric conveyed from imitated judgments comprised elements of induction and deduction, the transformation of typical classics, and the ideal etiquette. This research will together current analysis with historical document survey on law and education. In addition to legislative plan, original legislative source and sequential evolution, we will observe and examine the “interaction” of law and its surrounding environment, such as outside society, historic factors, and particular events. As saying goes, circumstances alter cases. “Law reform” and “the occurrence of legislation” go hand in hand, and without them any maintenance of human institution concerned with politic and society is temporary, because there is nothing make it last. In other hand, the analytical measures will focus on two aspects: 1. What is the law education about in Tang dynasty, especially in which style how the pupils had been trained for the entrance examination in judicature department? The influence on Enlightenment book (Meng-qiu) will be generalized since the Tang Dynasty. As far as the formation of knowledge systems of scholars and judging contents are concerned, “Classics”, “History”, and Mengqiu Elementary School are all education sources. Even if the judging contents fail to clearly point out the law, the legal knowledge of scholars may not yet obscure. Using articles of law is the final measures. 2. What is the attained educational cause form law training course in Tang dynasty, particularly what kinds of legislative opinions we can grasp from the 16 series of articles in “Shi-xue-men” and what sorts of lessons we can learn from Tang-middle-age disciples? Starting from the disciplines of law education, we can discover the specific relation between tutors and pupils furthermore. Surveying historical documents in past through current analytical methods, we learn a lot lessons and apply them easily in the near future. Escaping from filling up all the mighty void of sense; instead, we step into “the dialogue with future”. The main materials are from the finest blossoms in the garden of literature, along with Bai-Dao legal precedent created by Bai Ju-yi and Lung-tsing-fong-sui Judgements (Lung tsing fong sui pan). In comparison with the collection of virtuous and brightness verdicts by famous judges of ancient china (Ming gong shu pan qing ming ji), the relative law documents such as Tang Code (Tang lu), Tiansheng Statutes (Tian sheng ling) are concerned. To sum up, the projects intend to find out how to constitute honest judges and how a judge can achieve justice, goodness and fulfill the original purpose of legislation in Tang dynasty. Besides the correlations between law examination and law practice are also discussed in the essay. In terms of the judging article and ritual law education of“Shi-xue-men”, inclusive of four items: gathering of teachers and social security, daily etiquette of student, etiquette of scholars and government officials, and the division of academic careers of scholars. If the scholar is involved in a trial, his identity is the same as the official. Etiquette is the most important rule of life.







