Literary Perspective of Kim Shang-hyun s Life Consciousness: Based on the poems in his Chao Tian Lu
- 부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소
- 인문사회과학연구
- 인문사회과학연구 제21권 제1호
- : KCI등재
- 2020.02
- 203 - 220 (18 pages)
文学,尤其是逆境中的文学与生命意识均有较深的联结。笔者认为,正如几代学者对于魏晋文学中“生命意识”的研究热忱一样,对于记录朝鲜使臣出使明朝的艰辛过程和不同心境的《朝天录》诗文中所投射出的使臣“生命意识”,我们也应给予足够关注。 本文在中韩文化交流的大背景下,以明朝末期朝鲜使臣金尚宪出使明朝时所作《朝天录》中的使行诗为中心,从其文学作品出发,主要探讨了其在儒学思想影响下的生命意识,并兼及佛家思想对其生命意识的影响。首先,我们对金尚宪的家庭出身、政治生涯和文学成就做了扼要整理。他自幼深受儒家传统教育的影响,成为了一名始终秉持义理精神的儒者。正直耿介的性格和动荡不安的政局使其政治生涯颇为跌宕起伏,但也因此使其文学作品更具魅力。通过考察其使行背景,细致梳理其《朝天录》中的诗文作品,我们发现其生命意识主要体现为以下三个方面:一是积极入世的生命价值意识,主要体现在海路使行的过程中;二是仁民爱物的生命修养意识,主要体现在其对社会民生的关注上;三是难以超越的生命困境意识,主要融入在其对时光易逝的感叹中。但人的生命意识并非一成不变,本文所进行的探究仅限于金尚宪出使明朝期间。
Literature, especially literature in adversity, has a deep connection with life consciousness. The author believes that just as several generations of scholars are enthusiastic about the study of life consciousness in Weijin literature, the life consciousness that projected in the poems of Chao tian lu , which records the difficult process and mind course of Korean envoys served as an envoy abroad to the Ming dynasty should also be our concern. In the context of the cultural exchanges between China and Korea, this paper takes the Chao Tian Lu created by Korean envoy Kim Shang-hyun as the center,refers to the relevant historical materials to explore his life consciousness under the influence of Confucianism mainly and also discusses the influence of Buddhism on his life consciousness. And it is mainly embodied in three aspects: the first is the Life Values of Realism, it’s mainly reflected in the course of making the journey by sea; Second, the Humane Life Consciousness, it is mainly reflected in his concern for the people s livelihood; Third, it is difficult to surpass the sense of life predicament, mainly into its exclamation of time. However, the consciousness of human life is not static, the inquiry carried out in this paper is limited to the period when Kim Shang-hyun was served as an envoy abroad to the Ming Dynasty.
Ⅱ. 金尚宪使行诗创作背景考察
Ⅲ. 金尚宪使行诗中的生命意识
Ⅳ. 结语