최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

알타이족 샤머니즘의 기원 및 혼종성과 특수성 분석

The Analysis of Origin, Hybridity and Specificity of Altaic Shamanism: In the Focusing on the Evenki

DOI : 10.24958/rh.2020.20.137
  • 171

The only people in the world who use the term shaman are the Altai Tungus tribe. In the Altai Turkic, Mongolian and Tungus languages, no phonetic similarity is found between the words shaman. Thus, the shaman is a word that occurred after the eruption of the Altai tribe. The shaman comes from /hama/ sama-/, which means “shooting a bow” in Evenki. In addition, the Shama/ Sama-type clan names are most prevalent among the Evenki, as well as other clan names originating in the Evenki. Thus, seems the shamans originated in the ancient Evenki language. Evenki shamanism emerged based on the clan system, and It is the product of these mental cultures formed through historical bends in the harsh natural environments of Siberia and the Far East. In other words, the Shamanism of the Evenki is a religious phenomenon in which animism, totemism, space view, and spirit officer act in combination. Since then, the Altai shamanism has been constantly changing through clan movements, environmental differences, and exchanges with other cultures.

I. 들어가는 말

II. 샤머니즘 연구 경향 및 정의와 시각에 대한 비판적 접근

III. 알타이족 샤머니즘의 기원에 관한 제 문제

IV. 나오는 말

