최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Об эпическом наследии алтайской народной сказительницы Н. П. Черноевой

On the Epic Heritage of the Altaic Folk Storyteller N. P. Chernoeva

DOI : 10.24958/rh.2020.20.283
  • 8

This article is dedicated to the epic legacy of Natalya Pavlovna Chernoeva, a talented storyteller of Altai. She was 100 years old in 2019. Biographical data is given. From the age of 8, she already perceived, remembered and told her peers tales and plots of the heroic tales of her grandfather. Brief information about the grandfather of the storyteller Kabak Chernoev, from whom N. P. Chernoeva adopted storytelling art. The creative characteristics and repertoire of the storyteller are examined in detail. Storytellers who execute one or another version of the legend, while preserving the traditional plot lines, enriched them with their own compositions, sometimes they either expanded or shortened the texts. The heroic legend “Alyp-Manash” is analyzed. In this legend reverence of elders is traced. The parents of the hero themselves chose a bride for their son and married. According to the custom of the Altai, it used to be. Children were not asked for consent. The Altai epos is that mirror in which the history of all Altai people is reflected.

I. Введение. Биография сказительницы

II. Основная часть

III. Заключение

