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KCI등재 학술저널

아관파천 이후 러시아 군부와 해군부 장교가 바라본 한국과 러시아 관계

Russian and Korean relations as seen by Russian military and naval officers since the King Kojong`s flight to the Russian legation

  • 221

아관파천은 근대 한러관계에서 중요한 사건이었다. 아관파천을 계기로 한국에 대한 러시아의 관심은 증대했고, 러시아는 한국의 여러 지역을 조사, 탐사하는 활동을 활발하게 벌였다. 본고에서는 아관파천에 대한 러시아의 평가, 그리고 아관파천 이후 한국에 대한 러시아의 정책 수립 등을 이해하기 위하여 아관파천기 러시아 군부와 해군부에 소속된 인물들을 중심으로 그들이 아관파천과 그 시기 한국을 어떻게 바라보았고, 한국에 대한 정책을 어떤 방향으로 수립했는가를 살펴본다.

Since the King Kojong’s flight to the Russian legation(Agwanpachon), Kojong has had Russia in mind as a cooperative partner to weaken Japan’s political, economic and military influence in Korea. To embody this intention, Kojong started his entourage, Min Young-hwan, to attend Emperor Coronation of Nikolai II in April 1896. In other words, Min Young-hwan was dispatched to request assistance from Russia’s military and economic fields. Since Agwanpachon, domestic political forces have had a good opportunity for Korea to seek independence in the face of mutual checks between Russia and Japan. However, international situation changed since the Russian occupation of Lushun in December 1897. Agwanpachon presented the need for balanced diplomacy in the intervention of the Great Powers. After Agwanpachon, Lieutenant General Grodekov(Гродеков И.И) insisted that Russia implement South Korea’s protection policy based on its interests. Army Colonel Strellibitzki(СтрельбицкийИ.И.) proposed a way for Russia to rule South Korea and then to keep Korea independent. The Russian military prepared a scenario against Japan’s Korean colonization policy. Lieutenant colonel Rendenstrem(Ленденстрем В.В.) captured corruption in Korea and Japan’s colonial process after Agwanpachon. Rear admiral Alexeyev(Алексеев Е.И.) recorded peace in Korea, reinforcement of kingship, and financial normalization. The Russian Navy has developed a plan to understand Korea’s maritime strategic value and even to Masanpo and Jemulpo.(Seoul Women’s University)


Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 러시아 군부ㆍ해군부 소속 사관이 본 아관파천 이후 한국 상황

Ⅲ. 러시아 군부ㆍ해군부 소속 사관의 한러관계 구상

Ⅳ. 맺음말


