최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

한일 고빈도 어휘의 특징에 관한 일고찰

A Study on the Characteristics of Highly Frequent Words in Korean and Japanese

  • 29

本論文は、従来の日韓両言語のカバー率の問題が、その数値が調査の条件を異にする資料から算出されたものであることに起因することを指摘し、調査の条件を整えた調査の結果では概ね日韓のカバー率に大きな違いが見られないこと、カバー率の格差が開いているのが高頻度語彙の場合であることに着目し、その原因について考察したものである。高頻度語彙として日韓の使用率の格差が比較的大きいもの上位500語に対象を定め、語種、品詞、意味分野の比率の分布の観点から使用率の格差を広げた日韓の特徴的な語彙を抽出し分析した。その結果をまとめると以下のようになる。 韓国語の高頻度語彙には、より固有語(語種)のものが多く、「11類」「20人間」(意味分野)の代名詞、連体詞とともに動詞(品詞)の使用率が、また相の類に属する形容詞、副詞も日本語のそれより使用率が高かった。一方、日本語の高頻度語彙にはより漢語のものが多く、特に接尾辞の種類の多さと使用率の高さが韓国語のそれより目立つことが分かった。

In this article, we first point out that the issue of “covering rate” in Japanese and Korean results from the analyses of materials with different conditions, and show that if such conditions are taken into consideration, there is no large discrepancy concerning the “covering rate” except for highly frequent words. We then analyze factors of this observed pattern. We selected the top frequent 500 words and analyzed them in terms of frequency distributions concerning word types, parts-of-speech, and semantic domains. The main result is summarised as follows. The majority of the highly frequent words in Korean are native words (word type), and the frequency rates of “11 class” and “20 human” pronouns (semantic domain), and adnominal words and verbs (part-of- speech) as well as aspect-related adjectives and adverbs are higher than those of the Japanese counterparts. On the other hand, the majority of the highly frequent words in Japanese are “kango,” or Chinese-derived words. In particular, compared with the Korean words examined, a wider variety of suffixes is found in Japanese and their frequency rates are also higher.

1. 논의의 발단

2. 조사자료

3. 어종 비율 분포

4. 품사 비율 분포

5. 의미분야의 비율 분포

6. 마치며

