최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

18세기 우키요조시(浮世草子)로 보는 도시 상공인의 양상과 윤리(2)

A Brief Study on the Merchants’ Characters and Ethics Described in Ukiyozoushi Written in the 18th Century (2) - Focusing on Shoakindo Setaikatagi

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十七世紀後半から十八世紀前半の浮世草子に描かれていた町人の商人と しての倫理は「倹約」に収斂されていたが、果たして『諸商人世帯形気』にはどのような商人が描かれ、その様相と倫理意識が意味するものは何かを考察するところに本研究の目標がある。 考察の結果、『諸商人世帯形気』でも伝統的な正直、勤勉、「倹約」などが 商人に勧められていた。一方で、「倹約」だけでは致富は不可能であるため、商業のためにうそや詐欺と既知の曖昧な境界線を行き来する商人の姿をも描かれていたことが確認できた。これにより『諸商人世帯形気』では、前作『渡世身持談義』より拡張された倫理意識が内包されていると見受けられるが、これが真向に儒教的倫理意識に反するものであるとは言難い。作品の外題や題目に表れるように、本作品はあくまでも「多様な商人個別の多様な性向」を描こうとしたことに始まったと理解すべきであろう。これは商人個別の趣向を尊重する大衆小説浮世草子であったからこそ可能であったと見受けられ、言い換えれば、儒教的な倫理よりは商業的な実利と商人個別の暮らしに作品の焦点が置かれた結果であると理解できた。

The ethics of merchants in towns, as described in Ukiyozoushi, written from the latter half of the 17th century to the first half of the 18th century, converges on the notion of frugality. In the present study, I explore the image of merchant portrayed in Shoakindo Setaikatagi and the consciousness of the ethic underlying it. My analysis reveals that the traditional notions of honesty, diligence, “frugality,” and the like are considered valuable properties for merchants in Shoakindo Setaikatagi. On the other hand, “frugality” alone does not make merchants rich, and the story depicts those who tell a lie, resort to a fraud, and so on for their business. This indicates that a more extended version of the ethical concept is described in Shoakindo Setaikatagi than in Toseimimochi Dangi, but it would not be reasonable to assume that this contradicts the consciousness of ethics in Confucianism. As can be seen in its title and its theme, the focus of this literary work is on “diverse dispositions of various merchants.” This feature of the work reflects the nature of public novels for merchant class people, which lays emphasis upon various dispositions of merchants. In other words, the work, I argue, focuses on commercial profits and the styles of merchants’ life, rather than the Confucian ethic.

1. 들어가며

2. 『쇼아킨도 세타이카타기』의 서문

3. 상인의 정직과 성실

4. 상인의 ‘검약’

5. 상인의 기지

6. 나가며

