최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

黒澤明の≪八月の狂詩曲≫の 脚本の方法に関する考察

A Study on the Method of Screenwriting in Rhapsody in August by Akira Kurosawa - A Contrastive Study with the Original Nabe-no Naka

  • 24


Akira Kurosawa’s(1991) Rhapsody in August is based on the original Nabe-no Naka by Kiyoko Murata. Kurosawa produced three films featuring atomic bombs, and among these three, Rhapsody in August is the only work which concretely depicts Nagasaki atomic bombing in 1945. The present study questions the previous studies which do not take into consideration the original Nabe-no Naka and ascribe all the aspects of the film to Kurosawa, and analyzes the ways in which the theme of the film “atomic bomb” is manifested in the film through dramatization of the original. Kurosawa echoes the original only in terms of the profiles of the characters and some episodes, and the personal characters of the four grandchildren (including the protagonist), their siblings, Clerk in Hawaii, and so on are differently depicted from the original. On the other hand, the structure of the story, especially its latter half, is almost created by Kurosawa himself, and the climax consists of various incidents, as typically seen in narrative films.

1. はじめに

2. 原作 『鍋の中』の「スローテンポの世界」

3. 前半部の脚本の方法

4. 後半部の脚本の方法

5. おわりに

