최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

자이니치와 인디언시인의 미국을 향한 시적(詩的) 저항

The Poems of Resistance Toward the USA by Zainichi and Indian Poets

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本稿は在日詩人である金時鐘とアメリカのインディアン詩人であるサイモン·J·オーティーズの作品の中で、アメリカの核産業や核実験によって犠牲となる少数部族や弱者の苦しみに関して描いた詩を対象にした。 二人は様々なマイノリティの生き方を抵抗と解釈的客体化により描いている。アメリカの核のため虐殺されながらも世に知られなかった事実を詩を通して表現しようとした。オーティーズの詩は口伝形式で語りと疎通を、金時鐘はストーリーテリングをもって詩人(語り手)と読者(聞き手)といった関係を密接に編んでいるが、彼らの詩作の意図や構成においての類似性などについても考察した。 さらにアメリカの植民地主義や核産業および核実験によって犠牲となる内容を読者と共有し、知らせていきながら、同時に「消えていく少数部族」という進化論的パラダイムを「生き残るための抵抗」として置き換えていく文学的可能性についても穿鑿してみようと試みた。

This article takes up the works by the Zainichi poet Sijong Kim and those by the “Indian” poet in the USA Simon J. Ortiz, in particular their poems which describe the ethnic minorities and the socially vulnerable suffering the nuclear industry of the USA and its nuclear experiments. The two poets represent how the minorities live in virtue of the concept of “resistance” and interpretive objectification, depicting those who were massacred by American nuclear weapons but remained unknown to the world. The poems by Ortiz connect talks with understanding in the manner of an oral tradition, whilst the poems by Kim connect the poet (narrator) with the reader (hearer) in the manner of a narrative. In this article, I also analyze parallelisms between the poets in terms of their intention to write poems and the structures of their poems. Furthermore, I also suggest a new interpretation of these poems, sharing with the readers the stories of the minorities suffering the American colonialism, the nuclear industry, and nuclear experiments, and also replacing the evolutionary paradigm of “the disappearing ethnic minorities” with “their resistance as a means of surviving.”

1. 들어가며

2. ‘비키니 사건’ - 섬나라 부족과 일본 어부들의 피폭

3. 미국 남서부의 사라져가는 소수 부족

4. 미국의 핵산업과 식민지주의 정책

5. 나오며 - 가해자의 트라우마

