최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

일본의 기독교와 종교풍토

A Study on Japanese Christianity and the Religion Climate - Centering on the <Silence> of Endo Shusaku

  • 183

本論文では、日本の宗敎風土とその風土を詳しく描寫している遠藤周作の基督敎文學をめぐる日本基督敎の特&#24500;を考察してみたい。 日本の宗敎風土は一言で神道という思想に基づいているといえ、昔ながら、日本人の心の底には日本特有の自然宗敎で、土着信仰である神道、所謂アニミズム(animism)からなる精靈信仰が占めていると言えよう。 遠藤は『沈&#40665;』の中で、日本の精神風土は外からなるものを吸い&#36796;んでし まう泥沼のようなものに喩えているが、それは、まさに汎神論的風土にほかならないと理解してよかろう。 日本の汎神論的風土は西歐の基督敎を日本に土着化しながらも、ついに 基督敎信仰から遠ざからせ、背敎に至らせる契機を&#19982;えさえしたのである。遠藤の『沈&#40665;』の試みが日本の風土のなかに、基督敎が根を下ろし、日本人に受け入れられるために、日本文化に溶け&#36796;み、土着化(in-culture-ation)できる道を開いてくれるだろうと思うのである。これは神學用語の受肉のインカ&#12540;ネ&#12540;ション(incarnation)の如く日本の宗敎文化の中に基督敎の文化的受肉を意味するのである

This study aims to survey the characteristic of Japanese Christianity concerning the Christian literature of Endo Shusaku, where Japanese religion climate and climate in Japan are described in detail, so that I may investigate the cause of remaining in present condition but not spreading widely in spite of the earliest propagation of Christianity in East Asia. In a word, even though Japanese religion climate is based on Shintoism, for a long time, there is occupied a peculiar nature religion of Shintoism as the native faith what is called the faith of the spirit of dead origiened from animism on the bottom of the Japanese. Endo Shusaku likened Japanese soul climate to bog which has swallowed up whatever from outside in his novel [Silence], but it would be sure to comprehend pantheism climate only. The pantheism climate in Japan, was settling The Western Christianity in Japan, at last, made the young believers keep out of faith of Christianity and even lead them to the opportunity to renegade.

1. 들어가며

2. 일본의 기독교와 종교문화풍토

3. 엔도가 이해한 범신적 풍토 속 일본기독교

4. 엔도의 기독교와 나가사키 해후

5. 나가며

