바하 따히르 소설 속의 1967년 아랍 이스라엘 전쟁
1967 Arab Israeli War in Bahā’ Ṭāhir’s Novel
- 한국아랍어아랍문학회
- 아랍어와 아랍문학
- 24집 1호
- : KCI등재
- 2020.02
- 123 - 139 (17 pages)
The Article aims at surveying the image of 1967 Arab Israeli war as shown in Bahā’ Ṭāhir’s Novel, with special reference to Khālatī Șafīyah wa-l-Dayr(1991). War is a political process that causes many-folded influences on the relevant society. In view of its social, historical and cultural meaning, a lot of Arab novelists used to adopt the 1967 war as a main subject of their works, and it contributed to achieve abundant fruits in literary sphere. The 1960s’ generation of Egyptian writers will be the ideal case. It was expected that Bahā’ Ṭāhir deals with the war themes in his works of novel, particularly the one that covers Egyptian society in 1960s. However, the writer did not mention about the war except a few times in Khālatī Șafīyah wa-l-Dayr, and it came with lesser importance. I came to a conclusion that writer’s political beliefs have an effect on his choice of subject, narrator and the way of presenting events. Bahā’ Ṭāhir’s Nasserist ideology and diverse forms of censorship that were exerted in Egyptian cultural arena, and the author’s unpolitical stance were at the background of the treatment of 1967 war.
I. 서론
II. 1967년 전쟁과 이집트 정치
III. 바하 따히르의 정치 이념과 문학관
IV. 『나의 이모 싸피야와 수도원』의 1967년 전쟁
V. 결론