This paper deals with the syntax of WHY in Korean. Especially, it presents novel interrogative data in Korean that have not attracted researchers’ attention much so far. As the new data have the intonation and morphology of wh-question but do not contain any whwords or phrases, we call them wh-less wh-questions. As their meaning, prosody, and pragmatic functions are very similar to those of WHY-questions in Korean that have WHY in the sentence initial position, a reasonable analysis of them helps us understand the currently popular issue of the position(s) of WHY in Korean and other languages.
1. Introduction
2. Wh-Less Wh-Questions in Korean
3. The Issue: Wh-Questions and WHY
4. The Position(s) of WHY
5. The Position(s) of WHY: The Implications of Wh-Less Wh-Questions
6. Conclusion