Ross (1967) notes that left branch constituents are frozen. The Left Branch Condition (LBC) blocks movement of the leftmost constituent of an NP. The non-extractability of left branch elements such as determiners, possessors, adnominal modifiers and the like is also observed in Korean. However, left branch elements seem to undergo movement in fragmentary utterances. If the fragment utterances are derived from full clauses by movement of XP and deletion of the rest of the clause, the extractability of left branch constituents is a puzzle to be resolved. This squib critically explores the apparent LBC violation repair in English and Korean and provides further analysis of apparent LBC violation of fragments in Korean. We suggest that apparent LBC violations are instances of (cleft-like or) copular constructions and that overt-covert asymmetries in left branch extractions hinge on the repairability of Cyclic Linearization violations.
1. Introduction
2. Apparent LBC Violation Repair
3. Nature of the Left Branch Condition: Cyclic Linearization
4. Remaining Puzzles: Idioms
5. Concluding Remarks