최근 검색어 전체 삭제

Embedding MNC-guided FPIC into North Korea s Resident Surveillance System

DOI : 10.29152/KOIKS.2020.51.1.99
  • 77

This article suggests a Multi-national Corporation (MNC) guided voluntary Free Prior Informed Consent (FPIC) by providing information about forest carbon trading to the nation-wide resident surveillance system, initially institutionalized as a watchdog device on anti-government movement in North Korea. Such an MNC-guided voluntary approach can improve the productivity of the FPIC implementation scheme without creating unnecessary tension between the North Korean government and the local forest community. International communications increased by MNC-guided approach can allow local communities to access a reservoir of information about forestry carbon trading and connect other similarly situated communities throughout the world. The MNC-guided voluntary approach could work as a preamble toward real FPIC commitment since it provides an opportunity for the local community to learn the existence and value of procedural carbon rights over forested land.

I. Introduction

II. Background of FPIC in North Korea

III. North Korean Legislation on Information Disclosure

IV. North Korean Legislation on Self-Governing Consent

V. Compromising FPIC to North Korea

VI. MNC Candidate Adequate in Minimizing Green Grabbing

VII. Conclusion

