최근 검색어 전체 삭제

섬진강 하구역 지형변화에 따른 잘피 서식지의 분포 특성

Distributional Characteristics of Seagrass Habitats according to Topographic Changes in the Seomjin River Estuary, South Korea

  • 87

Seagrass plays an important role and functions in coastal and estuarine ecosystems such as water quality improvement and coastal purification, coastal ecosystem feeding, spawning and growing place of fish. Recently, the changes of seawater flow and marine environment have occurred due to coastal reclamation and construction of artificial structures in Seomjin River estuary. Therefore, it is expected to affect the distribution of seagrass in the Seomjin River estuary. In order to reconstruct and manage the seagrass habitat in Seomjin River estuary, we investigated the spatial variation of seagrass habitat according to the coastal topographic changes using remote sensing data. We tried to extract coastline and boundaries of seagrass habitat from the satellite images and aerial photographs, and conduct overlay analysis to identify the changes in location and area of coastal topography and seagrass habitat.

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