An Analysis of Duck Egg Production in the Philippines: Factors Affecting the Decision of Duck Raisers on the Choice of Stock Replacement for Duck Egg Production
- 아시아무역학회
- Journal of Asia Trade and Business
- vol.6 no.2
- 2019.12
- 21 - 37 (17 pages)
Duck has been one of the most important segments of the poultry industry in the Philippines. It has been a major contributor in the total agricultural output of the country. Duck egg production remained as the dominating sector in the industry due to various processing opportunities like balut (embryonated egg), penoy (unfertilized duck egg without yolk), century egg and salted egg which were gaining attention both in the local and export markets. In view of these trade opportunities, the Bureau of Animal Industry in the country continuously developed new breeds of duck. However, limited research studies tackled the traits that duck raisers perceived to be important when choosing the stock replacement. A survey among 295 commercial duck raisers was conducted focusing on production practices and decision factors in selecting stock replacement. Based on the results which involved descriptive statistics, the chi square test, frequency counts and the analytical hierarchical process, price and quality were determined to be the most important considerations of duck raisers when selecting their stock replacement. However, it was found out that raisers were willing to pay a higher price in exchange for better quality stock replacement but one major problem is the availability of new stocks. Thus, it is recommended that the government focus on new breeds with better quality as well as ensure the availability of these breeds to duck raisers all over the country.
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Objectives of the Study
Ⅲ. Methodology
Ⅳ. Results and Discussion
Ⅴ. Conclusion and Recommendation