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KCI등재 학술저널

益山 靑銅器文化圈과 馬韓

Bronze Ware Cultural Sphere in Iksan and Mahan Polities

  • 280

익산지역 청동기문화는 간헐적으로 수습된 청동유물의 연구를 통해 청동기문화의 중심분포 권으로 인식되었다. 1990년 후반부터 본격적인 발굴조사가 이루어져 청동기시대 전기부터 후 기에 이르는 다양한 유적이 조사되면서 청동기문화의 실체가 명확해졌다. 본고에서는 익산지역 청동기 출토 유적을 중심으로 청동기시대 후기로 설정하여 살펴보았 다. 청동기시대 후기는 동경·동검 등 순수 청동유물을 바탕으로 형성된 전반과 철기가 공반되 는 후반으로 구분하였다. 전반은 다뉴조문경, 세형동검, 동착, 동포, 동과 등의 청동유물과 원형 점토대토기, 흑색마연장경호를 특징으로 하고 있으며 유적은 오룡리, 용기리, 구평리, 서두리 등에서 (목관)토광묘가 확인되었다. 생활유적은 용기리에서 주거지 1기가 조사된 것을 제외하면 아직까지 확인된 유적은 없다. 후반은 세형동검과 함께 철부, 철사, 철촉 등 철기가 공반된다. 토기는 삼각형점토대토기를 특징으로 하고 있으며 유적은 신동리, 계문동에서 (목관)토광묘와 구평리, 어양동에서 옹관묘가 조사되었다. 생활유적은 아직까지 확인된 예가 없다. 출토유물을 통해 볼 때 청동기시대 후기의 전반은 燕나라 장군 秦開의 동방경략에 따라 청동기를 기반으로 고조선의 유민들이 유입되면서 금강유역에 정착하는 시기로 볼 수 있다. 그 시기는 기원전 4세기를 전후할 것으로 보인다. 그리고 후반은 위만조선의 성립과 준왕의 남하, 秦漢의 교체 등 청동기와 함께 戰國 燕나라 철기가 유입되면서 馬韓이 성립된다. 곧 마한의 성립에는 중국 戰國鐵器의 영향을 받았다고 할 수 있으며 그 시기는 기원전 2세기를 전후할 것으로 보인다. 지금까지 익산에서 청동유물이 출토된 유적은 북부지역에 집중되며 『帝王韻紀』, 『高麗史』 地理志, 『世宗實錄』 地理志, 『新增東國輿地勝覽』 등 대부분의 기록에 준왕의 남천지를 金馬 郡으로 보고 있어 익산이 준왕과 관련하여 초기 마한의 중심지였던 것으로 볼 수 있다. 그리고 馬韓 초기 가장 강력한 小國 가운데 하나인 乾馬國의 중심지는 만경강을 중심으로 하는 익산 지역임을 알 수 있다.

On the ground of studies on bronze ware remains collected intermittently in Iksan, this area has been believed as the central part of the bronze ware culture. As the large scale excavation and research project embarked there starting from the latter half of the 1990s to investigate various remains during the former to the latter period of the Bronze Age, it has become clearly known what the bronze ware culture really was there. The present study is aimed at exploring the bronze ware culture in Iksan area with a focus on the relics in it where bronze wares were collected, assuming them to belong to the later period of the Bronze Age. The period was divided further into the former part when bronze remains like bronze mirrors and bronze daggers were used exclusively and the latter part when iron wares were used together with bronze ones. The former part was characteristic of such bronze remains as mirrors with coarse lines, slender bronze daggers, bronze chisels, bronze ornaments, bronze spears, etc. as well as clay-stripe pottery of round type and black polished earthenware with long neck. Wooden coffins in pit tombs were excavated from the relics in Oryong-ri, Yonggi-ri, Gupyeong-ri and Seodu-ri. With regard to dwelling sites, no remains have so far been found except one surveyed in Yonggi-ri. From the remains of the latter part, such assemblage as iron axe, iron wire and iron pen have been unearthed in addition to slender bronze daggers. Earthenwares are characteristic of triangular clay-stripe potteries which were unearthed from the wooden coffins in pit tombs in the relics of Sindong-ri and Gyemun-dong and from the jar coffins in Eoyang-dong. No dwelling sites have been confirmed so far. As far as the unearthed relics are concerned, they are presumed to belong to the later period of the Bronze Age when the migrants of Old Choseon Kingdom streamed in as part of the East Expedition of Yan general Qin Kai and settled on the river basin of the Geumgang River with bronze wares. This period is deemed to correspond approximately to the 4th century BCE. In the latter period, however, Mahan was built as a kingdom following establishment of Ueman Choseon, southward coming of King Jun, changeover of Qin to Han and influx of iron as well as bronze wares of Yan in the Age of Civil Wars in China. In other words, the iron wares of the Age of Civil Wars must have influenced the establishment of Mahan Kingdom before or after around the 2nd century BCE. The relics of bronze wares have been unearthed predominantly in the northern area of Iksan. As most historical records such as 『Jewangun-gi 帝王韻紀』, 『Koryosa Jiriji 高麗史』 地理志, 『Sejongsillok Jiriji 世宗實錄』 地理志, 『New Version of Donggukyeojiseungram 新增東國輿地勝覽』, etc. pointed Geumma-gun as the capital site where the King Jun s southern advance ended up, suggesting that Iksan was the center of Mahan in the beginning. Accordingly, it might also be presumed that Iksan surrounded by the Mangyeonggang River was the center of Geonma Country, one of the strongest statelets in the beginning of Mahan Kingdom.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 遺蹟의 檢討

Ⅲ. 墳墓의 變化와 副葬遺物의 特徵

Ⅳ. 益山地域 馬韓의 時·空間的 位置

Ⅴ. 맺음말
