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한국 고대사에 있어서 익산 왕궁리유적의 가치와 의의

The value of the Wanggung-ri site in the ancient history of Korea

  • 1,513

익산은 한국 고대사에서 매우 중요한 위치를 점하고 있다. 한국 청동기문화에서는 가장 중요한 중심지의 하나로 주목받고 있다. 이는 풍부한 자연환경과 해상 및 육상으로 통하는 교통상의 이점이 중요한 요인으로 작용하 기도 하였다. 무엇보다도 한국 고대사에서 익산지역이 역사의 전면에 부상한 것은 백제말기이다. 무왕의 탄생 및 근거지로 주목받게 되었다. 미륵사, 제석사, 쌍릉을 비롯하여 왕궁리유적 등의 존재가 이를 뒷받침하고 있다. 일부 문헌자료의 기록을 통해 백제가 익산으로 천도하였다는 설도 매우 강력하게 제기되고 있다. 최근 조사 성 과가 괄목할만하게 드러나고 있는 왕궁리유적은 이러한 백제말기의 익산 경영에 대한 실상과 그 역사적 의의를 밝혀줄 수 있는 중요한 유적으로 주목받고 있다. 대규모 성벽유구를 비롯하여, 최근 속속 밝혀지고 있는 대형건 물지, 정원 및 후원유구 등은 왕궁리유적이 백제 왕실과 직접 관계된 왕궁으로서의 면모를 더욱 강하게 반영하는 것으로 해석할 수 있게 한다. 따라서 왕궁리유적이 백제 말기에 중요한 왕실 관련 유적(왕궁)이며, 더나아가 익산지역이 백제사에서의 매우 중요한 거점이었음은 더욱 명백해지고 있다. 앞으로 이 왕궁리유적의 존재가 백 제의 익산경영에서 어떠한 위치를 차지하고 있는가를 밝혀야 할 것이다. 그러기 위해서는 왕궁과 도성의 방어구조, 국도(國都)로서의 자격과 기능에 걸 맞는 도시구조 등에 대한 검증이 필요하다. 더불어 민(民)의 존재 양상을 보여줄 수 있는 자료들에 대한 더 정밀한 조사 성과가 절실한 상태이다.

The Wanggung-ri site(王宮里遺蹟) is located in the southern part of Iksan-city(益山市), Jeollabuk-do(). Iksan-city is famous for the center of ancient culture since the Bronze Age. Many sites which produced bronze daggers and mirrors have been identified and excavated around Iksan-city. During the first half of 1st millennium AD, Iksan had been also maintained its The Wanggung-ri site(王宮里遺蹟) is located in the southern part of Iksan-city(益山市), Jeollabuk-do(全羅北道). Iksan-city is famous for the center of ancient culture since the Bronze Age. Many sites which produced bronze daggers and mirrors have been identified and excavated around Iksan-city. During the first half of 1st millennium AD, Iksan had been also maintained its position as a main center of ancient states. The five storied stone pagoda(5層石塔) is situated in the southern part of the site. The site consists of two parts, one in the south and the other in the north. The former slopes gently toward north and the latter is hilly area. The Wanggung(王宮) was named after the place of its location. The meaning of the Wanggung-ri(王宮里) is royal residence . Therefore, it is thought that Wanggung-ri was a royal place in the past. Through the efforts and the results of the excavation at the site by Buyeo National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage (國立扶餘文化財硏究所) since 1989, we confirm that the fortress walls and buildings was constructed from the late period of Baekje Dynasty, the first half of 7th century. The fortress wall, also called by the wall of royal palace(宮墻) and made by stone bricks, is about 490 meters in south-north length, about 250 meters in eastwest width, and 45 meters in height for the center of the site. The thickness of the fortress wall is approximately 3 meters. Both outsides of the fortress wall are made of rectangular stones bricks and filled with stones and mud between two sides. Based on the Samguk sagi(三國史記), the capital of Baekje was located in Sabi(seong) fortress (泗뚓城) since the year of 475. Today, Sabi fortress is Buyeo(扶餘). As a result of the study on the ranks and features of the archaeological remains from the Wanggung-ri site including many buildings, temples, others related facilities and artifacts, it turned out to be the highest class. The important relics such as special foundations, engraved roof tiles, and Chinese porcelain fragments have been excavated only in the sites of the Sabi(seong) fortress which is a capital of Baekje and Iksan. Some foundations from the Wanggung-ri site was made by piling up roof tiles. Some roof tiles were stamped with the letter ‘Subu(首府)’. The ‘Subu’ means the first-class department. Therefore, Some scholars have argued that Baekje Dynasty had transferred the capital to Iksan from Buyeo in the first half of 7th century. In the neighborhood of the Wanggung-ri site we have found many historic monuments and sites which were constructed at the almost same times: Mireuksa temple site, Jeseoksa temple site and the great tombs called Ssangreung(Twin tombs), etc. The construction of those monuments have been linked to the royal families or the central government of Baekje both directly and indirectly. The social and political circumstances and the archaeological results on the site indicate that Wanggung-ri site may be closely related to the royal families of Baekje Dynasty and was one of the palace of the Dynasty. But it is not sure that Iksan was the main capital of Baekje at that time. Some scholars argue that Iksan was the secondary capital(別都) or the planed but unexecuted one(未遷都地) during the Dynasty of Baekje. The archaeological results on the field will trace and unearth weather the Wanggung-ri site and Iksan were the main palace and capital of Baekje Dynasty.

I. 들어가는 말

II. 유적으로 본 한국고대사에서의 익산

III. 조사 성과로 본 익산 왕궁리유적의 가치

IV. 왕궁으로서의 왕궁리유적과 백제의 익산 경영

V. 남기는 말
