최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

가상광고의 언어 표현 연구

A Study on the Language Expression of Virtual Advertising

  • 313

This study examines the characteristics of Virtual Advertisements, particularly with respect to the formal and content characteristics of Virtual Advertisements. Among the expressions of language, the discussion was particularly centered on linguistic solidarity. Text cohesion can be explored in terms of cohesion, which means content and semantic association of text, and condensation that refers to grammatical association of text layers. There were two ways to maintain the verbal bonds of virtual advertising: morphological and syntactic method. Morphological methods can be largely divided into two ways: to maintain the consistency of text by repeating the same word, or to maintain the consistency of text by using vocabulary in the same category. The syntactic method was studied, focused on the syntactic condensation that appears in the language expressions of the front and rear scenes of virtual advertising. Specific methods of syntactic condensation devices can be divided into five types: distich, sentence connection, sentence response, omission and rhetorical connection.

1. 머리말

2. 연구 대상과 방법

3. 가상광고의 결속성

4. 결론

