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KCI등재 학술저널

연령에 따른 맞춤형 화장품의 구매행동

Customized Cosmetics Purchase Behavior by Consumer Age

DOI : 10.18693/jksba.2020.21.1.229
  • 247

This study investigated differences in i) a type of customized cosmetics, ii) awareness of product image, iii) buying motive, iv) effects after use and v) improvements by age among those who had bought and used customized cosmetics previously. For this, a questionnaire survey was conducted among women in their teens or older with prior experience of using customized cosmetics living in Gwangju and Jeollanam-do from August 5 to October 15, 2018. A total of 146 copies out of 200 questionnaires were used for final analysis. For data analysis, frequency analysis, descriptive statistics and cross tabulation were performed using SPSS 21.0, and the results found the following: First, regarding type of customized cosmetics, ‘teens-20s’ preferred ‘body care products’ while ‘perfume’ was popular in ‘30s’ and ‘40s or older’. Second, regarding awareness of product image, ’teens-20s’ responded ‘cosmetics developed considering individual customer needs’ while ‘cosmetics recommended by experts’ was mostly found in ‘30s’ and ‘40s’. Third, in terms of the motive to buy customized cosmetics, ‘it looks good for my skin’ was most responded among those in their teens-40s or older. Fourth, concerning effects after the use of customized cosmetics, ‘teens-20s’ responded ‘smooth texture’, and ‘30s’ and ‘40s’ said ‘bright skin tone’. Those in their 40s or older also responded, ‘smooth texture’. Fifth, in terms of improvements after the use of customized cosmetics, ‘diverse products’ was the highest in ‘teens-20s’ while ‘better quality’ was most responded among those in their 40s or older.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경

Ⅲ. 내용 및 방법

Ⅳ. 결과 및 고찰

Ⅴ. 결론

