최근 검색어 전체 삭제

치위생과정의 치과임상 적용 증례보고

A Case Report: Dental Hygiene Process of Care based on Dental Clinical Application

DOI : 10.33615/jkohs.2020.8.1.9
  • 97

Objectives: Periodontal management in the dental hygiene process is not fully completed by one-time scaling, but can be effectively managed by personalized management and continuous management program that induce individual behavior change based on periodontal disease risk analysis and repetitive education. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of a dental clinic for applying and evaluating the dental hygiene process based on continuous management program. Methods: This study was conducted on patients with periodontal disease who visited the dental clinic in S city from April to August 2016. We selected two final patients who agreed to the purpose and method of the study. In this study, one dentist and two dental hygienists with over 5 years of clinical experience were selected to perform the dental hygiene process. Kappa values between the dentist and two dental hygienists were 0.8 and 0.9. We performed the dental hygiene process based on assessment, judgement, planning, implementation, and evaluation of the dental hygiene process. The trained investigators took intra-oral photo, panoramic and periapical radiographs for objective assessment of the subject s periodontal condition. They measured pocket depth, bleeding upon probing (BOP), pain and edema. They also measured pocket depth, bleeding upon probing (BOP), pain and edema. A 5-point scale and open questionnaire were used to confirm subjective oral health perceptions, attitudes, and satisfaction of the subjects after the program. The final evaluation items in this study were subjective periodontal health status, subjective oral health perception, attitude, and satisfaction with the program before and after the program. Results: After the study, the periodontal pocket depth was decreased in both subjects. Moderate periodontal pockets greater than 4 mm showed reduction of 30% and 83%. Severe periodontal pockets larger than 6 mm had a reduction of 36% and 43%. The subjects subjective perception and attitude satisfaction were as follow: One subject who complained of poor oral health status before the study had a positive perception after the study, and he said confidence in oral health management. The subjective oral health of the other subject was not significantly changed before and after the study, but the subject had high satisfaction with this program. Conclusions: Both patients responded as satisfied with the progress of the dental hygiene program. Both subjects responded that a dental hygiene process like this program should be applied in the dental clinic. However, both subjects complained of the inconvenience of having to visit several times and the long duration to participate in the program. Future well-designed studies will support the development of clinical research and evidence-based dental hygiene process. These efforts will complete the dental hygiene process of care in Korea.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 연구방법

Ⅲ. 연구결과

Ⅳ. 고찰

Ⅴ. 결론

