Human Capital Management CRISIS for Indefinite-Term Contract Workers in Local Governments: Focusing on Education & Training and Performance
- International Journal of Crisis & Safety
- vol.5 no.1
- : KCI등재후보
- 2020.03
- 1 - 12 (12 pages)
The human resources that make up the local government organizations in Korea can be broadly divided into local civil servants under the Local Public Officials Act and indefinite-term contract workers and fixed-term work-ers under the Labor Standards Act. The main purpose of this study is to statistically verify if the education and training provided to indefinite-term contract workers in local government organizations have a positive effect on their performance. In addition, this study performs an empirical analysis on the moderating effect of the variable of feedback of education and training on the relationship between education/training and the performance of the indefinite-term contract workers. As a result of analyzing perception survey data among local government organizations personnel managers, education and training provided to indefinite-term contract workers were found to have a statistically significant positive effect on the workers’ performance. Moreover, feedback of edu-cation and training, that is, the level at which result from education and training provided to indefinite-term contract workers reflected in the personnel management showed an effect as a moderating variable that controls the positive relationship between education/training and performance, although not statistically significant. The analysis results of this study have the following importance and expected effects. First, theoreti-cally expected effects of this study; majority of previous studies on the indefinite-term contract workers of local governments were exploratory studies discussing the concept, status, or related regulations of such workers. In contrast, this study contributes to the theoretical expansion of existing studies on the indefinite-term contract workers by providing empirical evidences through quantitative analysis on the relationship between education/training and performance, which is one of the main areas of personnel management. Second, practically expected effects of this study; the positive relationship between edu-cation/training and performance of indefinite-term contract workers and moderating effect of the feed-back of education and training on the positive relationship make contribution to presenting concrete grounds for policy and institutional preparation for the design and operation of education/training pro-grams for indefinite-term contract workers in local governments and linkage between results of educa-tion/training and personnel management.
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Research Methodology and Results
4. Discussion
5. References
6. Contribution