Terrorism CRISIS on Northeast Asia
- International Journal of Crisis & Safety
- vol.5 no.1
- : KCI등재후보
- 2020.03
- 35 - 42 (8 pages)
Today, due to the rapid development of science and technology, the war on more than 1000 large and small terrorist groups around the world has already begun due to fundamental changes in the types and patterns of terrorism. In particular, Northeast Asia is a buffer state of the neighboring powers, and national security crises such as war, terrorism and factor assassination have been continuously occurring. Extensive academic research is re-quired. This study analyzes why terrorism by North Korea occurs and identifies the types of terrorist attacks by Aircraft and Airport terror, Cyber terrorism, Nuclear terrorism was used to analyze the causes of terrorism in North Korea. In addition, the direction of the information agency through anti-terrorism activities was divided into HR man-agement system, Establishment of legal basis, and Establishment of Intelligence Agency Cooperation System.
1. Terrorism by North Korea
2. Types of Terrorist Attacks
3. North Korea s Terrorist Factors
4. North Korea s Military Power and Support for Terrorism
5. North Korea s Counter Terrorism
6. Directional Model of National Institutions
7. Another Terrorism Threat
8. References
9. Contribution