커버이미지 없음
Exploring “Korean Islam” in a Climate of Exclusion and Islamophobia
- 건국대학교 모빌리티인문학 연구원, 건국대학교 아시아·디아스포라 연구소
- International Journal of Diaspora&Cultural Criticism
- Vol.9 No.2(중지)
- : KCI등재후보
- 2019.07
- 196 - 215 (20 pages)
This paper aims to add value to the existing literature on Islamic Studies, Korean Studies and the Anthropology of Islam by offering a perspective grounded in Korean Muslim realities. This paper aims to shed further light on the paradox between mainstream Korean society and Korean Muslims by unravelling the tensions that exist between different sets of priorities for Muslims considered insiders and those considered outsiders in wider Korean society.
1. Introduction
2. The Gradual Development of Korean Islam
3. Foundations of “Korean Islam”
4. Exploring “Korean Islam” in Contemporary Society
5. Halal Business & Tourism in a Context of Islamophobia
6. Conclusion