최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Isabel’s Marriage Choice: Diaspora Interpretation of The Portrait of a Lady

  • 17

This article explores Isabel’s marriage choice in Henry James’s The Portrait of a Lady from the diaspora perspective. First, a review of the existing literature on the marriage theme of The Portrait of a Lady provides background information and helps define this paper’s framework. Second, James’s diaspora identity and diaspora writing practices are introduced to help readers understand the connotations of diaspora identity and his characters’ diaspora background. Third, diaspora theory is applied to the analysis of Isabel’s marriage choice manifested in her refusals of Lord Warburton and Caspar Goodwood and her final choice of Gilbert Osmond. Moreover, Ralph, as the mediator in Isabel’s marriage, is also emphasized in this part. Finally, the conclusion highlights the significance of the paper and summarizes the reasons for her refusal of two other suitors and her final choice.

1. Introduction

2. Henry James’s Diaspora Identity and His Diaspora Writing Practices

3. Isabel’s Marriage Choice as an American Diaspora

4. Conclusion

