최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Colonial Relationship and Cultural Reflection: George Orwell̛s Early Works based on His Experience in Colonial Country

  • 23

The great English writer George Orwell had lived in Burma as the British colony for five years. Focusing on the works based on his own life experience in Burma such as A Hanging, Shooting an Elephant and Burmese Days, the paper argues that they reflected his rethinking of the dilemma of cultural identity as a colonist and critical consciousness to social reality. The two of his best known essays, A Hanging, Shooting an Elephant, presented directly his experience and feeling as a policeman worked there. The novel Burmese Days was more complicated because of more characters and plots. In the works, the power relations between the colonizers of the British Empire and the colonized in Burma, the writer’s rethink of imperialism as the setting of the plots all are described in the details of his personal experience in the essays and the hero images of literary construction in the novel.

殖民关系与文化反思: 奥威尔早期殖民地经验作品研究

1. 从英国到缅甸:作为文化背景的殖民扩张

2. 帝国主义的阴影:殖民关系与文化身份的文学书写

3. 奥威尔的殖民地经验与社会文化批判意识

4. 结语

