최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

The Meaning of the Research of Diasporic Literature: Focusing on the Ethics of Diasporic Literature of the Korean in Japan

  • 20

Literature of Korean diaspora in Japan is generally referred to as the “literature of Joseon People in Japan,” the “literature of Koreans in Japan,” or the Korean-Japanese literature” and has been targeted for numerous studies. What significance does it have to call and categorize the literary field―which can be easily constituted as “literature of Joseon people in Japan,” or as “Korean-Japanese literature” ―as the “literature of Korean diaspora in Japan?” The literature of Korean diaspora in Japan refers to literary activities, carried out by the Korean diaspora active in Japan. Likewise, at every place worldwide where the Korean diaspora lives, such as China, Russia, or the US, the literature of diaspora exists. The name of the country to which they migrated can be added to the name of the literary field, indicating the regional area where they are active. The first point made in this presentation is to discuss the ethics surrounding such an indication by names. Each literature of Korean diaspora forms the literature of diaspora through numerous interactions with one another in terms of cultures of countries they have migrated to. For instance, the literature by the Korean Chinese is still written in Korean, whereas ‘Zainichi’ in Japan complete their literary works in Japanese. Therefore, the literature of Korean diaspora involves different forms of Korean literature depending on regions and is diverse in its characteristics. Among such various characteristics, a discussion on the unique characteristics of the literature of Korean diaspora in Japan in the framework of “ethics” is the second point made in the presentation. These two issues basically start with the precondition that the literature of diaspora involves ethical issues. Of course, every literary work relates to ethics. However, as the literature of diaspora is based on more than two different regions and cultures, the issue of the existence of life is further stressed. Accordingly, exploring the existence of the diasporic literature is directly linked to ethics.

Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Between DONGPO(同胞) Literature and Diasporic Literature - Ethics of Indication by Name

Ⅲ. Diaspora Literature that Starts from Ethics

Ⅳ. Conclusion

