최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음

Exclusive focus particles and their syntax & scope-taking in English, Vietnamese, and Korean

  • 36

This paper concentrates on the syntax and scope-taking of the exclusive focus particles in English, Vietnamese, and Korean. We first note that unlike in English, in Vietnamese the focus particle ‘chỉ’ cannot occur on VP-internal elements. Building on this dichotomy between the two languages, we develop and endorse a movement analysis of focus particles. Specifically, we argue that Vietnamese ‘chỉ’ and English ‘only’ at VP-peripheral position are moved overtly from VP-internal position to the Spec of the null Sigma head, thereby serving as a scope marker at its landing site. When at pre-subject position, however, they are not granted a licensing Sigma head in the upper TP domain, thus embracing the in-situ strategy for scope-taking. Meanwhile, unlike its Vietnamese counterpart, English ‘only’ overtly staying in VP-internal position undergoes covert movement to take propositional scope. Now in a parallel fashion to English ‘only’ at VP-internal position, the Korean focus particle ‘-man’ unmarkedly undergoes not overt but covert movement to the Spec of the null Sigma head, which also in turn counts as a scope marker. At the same time, it can markedly take the overt movement strategy, landing at the right periphery of VP.

1. Introduction

2. Focus particle ‘only’ in English and its syntax & scope-taking

3. Focus particle ‘chỉ’ in Vietnamese and its syntax & scope-taking

4. Focus particle ‘-man’ in Korean and its syntax & scope-taking

5. Summary and conclusion
