최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

공과대학 여학생 관련 연구 동향 분석: 국내 연구를 중심으로

A Systematic Review of Female Engineering Students Related Studies

  • 93

This study aims to analyze the research trends of female engineering students focused on domestic research and to suggest implications for future researches. For this purpose, 67 domestic researches (academic articles & graduate theses) which were published since 1996 were collected using the academic research information service and the National Assembly Library search service. All of these 67 researches have been reviewed and classified according to analytical criteria such as publication year, research method, journal’s research field and research subjects. Our findings show that firstly, related research on female engineering students has been growing since 1996. Secondly, there were more researches of both academic journals and graduate theses, using quantitative method compared to those with the other research methods. Thirdly, the research themes could be classified as follows: gender-awareness, female engineering students’(hereafter, FES) psychological variables, customized education for FES, career related variables, FES’s properties and counselling for them. Fourth, regarding the result of analysis on the research topic, 41.79% of the researches were related to FES’s ‘career’ related factors as well as diverse correlates. Based on these findings, it is necessary to continue studying on FES using various research methods as well as adopting different research perspectives. Also, practical and educational treatments for FES are required with particular attention to their individual variables.

I. 서 론

II. 연구 방법

III. 분석 결과

IV. 논의 및 결론
