This research aims to discuss the problems that may arise translating Korean into English, focusing on such constructions as cleft and extraposition constructions and to find how to overcome them. I address these issues based on the information structure of the two languages, examining the differences between English and Korean sentence structures in terms of old and new information. This paper explains why pronoun objects cannot occur at sentences’ final positions, how extraposition constructions are different from their non-extraposition counterparts, and when cleft constructions can be used. This paper argues that Korean translators and interpreters may make errors if they do not understand the differences in implicature between similar Korean and English sentence structures. Therefore, it is important to provide students of translation with an in-depth education about the information structure and implicatures of Korean and English sentences.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 한국어와 영어의 정보 구조 차이
Ⅲ. 분열문과 외치구문의 통·번역
Ⅳ. 결론