최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Exploring Effective Translation Activities at College Level with Reference to Reading Aloud: A Case Study

  • 30

The current study aims to apply and examine a reading aloud activity as an effective and efficient translation activity. This study utilized repeated reading aloud and self-voice recordings to practice a target language. The reading aloud activity allowed the participants to experience success repeatedly so that they could: (i) gain perspective on the overall progress that they made during the repeated reading aloud activities and voice-recordings, and (ii) gain an awareness of their own language skills by rating themselves from an objective standpoint to some degree. Considering the data results, it can be assumed that reading aloud activity may provide translation learners with regular experiences of success and would help to increase their self-confidence to use the target language. Overall, the reading aloud activity seemed to be an effective method for translation learners, for the following purposes: (i) to practice a target language, (ii) to increase language skills of the target language, and (iii) to enhance self-confidence in using the target language.

I. Introduction

II. Literature Review

III. Research Data and Methodology

IV. Results

V. Conclusion

