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커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

중국기독교 규장제도와 기독교중국화

A Study on the Rules and Regulations of Christianity in China and the Sinicization of Christianity

  • 55

당정의 종교중국화 요구에 부응하여 중국기독교계가 가장 빠르게 기독교중국화를 공식 선언한다. 사실 기독교의 ‘중국화’는 이미 신중국 초기부터 시도되어 온 것이다. 이는 규장제도에 반영되어 있는데, 규장제도의 제정 및 개정 내용은 중국기독교의 중국화 여정을 가장 실증적으로 보여주는 결과물이다. 따라서 본고는 사회주의 중국사회에서 중국기독교의 과제와 지향을 담고 있는 양회의 장정과 교회규장, 그리고 「5개년계획」 방안을 주요텍스트로 삼아 그 변화추이의 과정을 분석하고 매 단계 ‘중국화’의 내용과 의미를 고찰하고자 한다.

Since Xi Jinping called for the ‘sinicization of religion’ in 2016, Chinese religions had to follow the policy. Firstly, Christianity took action. The process for the sinicization of Christianity is reflected in its ‘Rules and Regulations’. In the Rules and Regulations, there were ‘Chinese Christian Three-Self Patriotic Movement Committee charter’, ‘Chinese Christian Association charter’ and ‘The relevant documents of church standardization in China More’. They have recently made ‘Five-Year Planning Outline for Advancing the Sinification of Christianity(2018-2022)’. We can understand the flow of the Sinification from ‘Rules and Regulations’. Thus, this paper studies how the Sinification has been done by analyzing enacted and revised documents of them. In general, the sinicization of Christianity is said to have progressed in order of ‘Three-Self Three-Well’, ‘the union of church’, ‘Reconstruction of Theological Thinking’ and ‘the Sinification of Christianity’. ‘Three-Self’ is to run church by Chinese. ‘Three-well’ is to run church well. ‘The union of church’ is to abolish sectarianism and hold joint services. ‘Reconstruction of Theological Thinking’ is to establish China-specific Christian theology. ‘The Sinification of Christianity’ is that Christianity should be expressed and spreaded through Chinese traditional culture. These processes are self-revolution that Christianity have survived the atheistic political system even though they apparently look like to have been taking measures according to the demands of the Communist Party. In other words, Christianity made ’Rules and Regulations’ to survive and adapted themselves to the religious policy of the Communist Party.

1. 서론

2. 사회주의사회 중국기독교와 관련 규장제도

3. 중국기독교 규장제도와 기독교중국화

4. 결론
