The pattern of the “bie(别)+V+le(了)” structure is divided into three types: ① “object+bie(别)+V+le(了)” ② “bie(别)+V+object+le(了)” ③ “bie(别)+V+le(了)+object”. These are based on the position of the objects. First, in terms of the negation focus, in pattern ①, the negative focus is the “verb”. In pattern ②, the negative focus is the “object” and in pattern ③, the negative focus is the “whole event”. Second, in terms of the intensity of the negation, pattern ① where the object is at the beginning of the sentence represents very strong negation. However, pattern ② is more to express a kind of dissuasion or proposal and pattern ③ functions as a reminder or acts as a modal marker. In addition, in the “bie(别)+V+le(了)” structure, the object is the definite object that the speaker and the listener know well, so they accept the modification of restrictive elements. Third, in pattern ③, only verbs with a meaning of [+removal] can be used in this pattern and the object should be an object that already exists because “le(了)” corresponds to “diao(掉)”.
本文根据“别+V+了”句式中宾语出现位置的不同, 分成ⅰ)宾语+别+V+了、ⅱ)别+V+宾语+了、ⅲ)别+V+了+宾语, 这样三种句式进行研究。首先, 从否定的焦点来看, ⅰ)句式否定的焦点在动词V上, 而ⅱ)句式否定的焦点在于宾语, ⅲ)句式否定的焦点在于整个事件;其次, 从否定的强度来看, 当宾语位于句式的开头部分, 表示强烈否定, 而在ⅱ)句式中更多的是表达一种劝阻或者提议, ⅲ)则表达提醒功能和担当情态标记功能。再次, 在“别+V+了”句式中, 宾语是话者与听者互相心知肚明的有定宾语, 因此能够接受限定性成分的修饰, 但类似于“一个”等表示全部中的一个的数量词不能够修饰宾语。最后, 在ⅲ)句式中, 动词与宾语受到某种制约, 由于“了”表示与“掉”相对应的意义, 因此表示[+去掉]意义的动词能够进入该句式, 而且宾语也必须是存在的受事宾语才能够进入该句式。
1. 引言
2. “别+V+了”句式中宾语出现时的否定焦点
3. “别+V+了”句式中宾语出现时的否定强度
4. “别+V+了”句式中的宾语特征
5. 结语