Based on the interaction between construction and causative words, this paper explains the reasons for the diversity of causative words in the construction of causative words. This paper refers to Goldberg’s construction diagram and summarizes the interaction schema between the causative construction argument and the actor role of causative words. In this paper, relevant examples are used to explain the principle of the integration of the constructional elements of causative words and the roles of participants in causative words. On the basis of the fusion principle, this paper analyzes how the causative construction chooses and limits the actor role of causative words. This paper also makes a detailed summary of the fusion law between the causative constructors and the participants of causative words.
本文以致使性“得”字句為研究對象, 從構式與致使詞的互動角度出發, 對致使性“得”字句構式中致使詞多樣性的原因作出了解釋。首先參考Goldberg的構式圖, 總結了致使性“得”字句構式論元與致使詞的參與者角色的互動圖式。其次, 運用相關例句詳細闡釋了致使性“得”字句構式論元與致使詞的參與者角色的融合原則。在融合原則的基礎上, 分析了致使性“得”字句構式是如何對致使詞的參與者角色進行選擇和限制的。此外, 致使性“得”字句包含的事件數量的不同會影響構式論元與致使詞參與者角色的融合過程, 本文對不同事件數量的致使性“得”字句構式論元與致使詞參與者角色的融合規律也進行了詳細地總結。
1. 前言
2. 致使性“得”字句構式論元對致使詞的壓制
4. 結論