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KCI등재 학술저널

‘속도’에서 ‘깊이’로 - 蔣光慈의 『野祭』를 새롭게 읽는 몇 가지 讀法 (1)

From “Speed” to “Depth”: Several Ways to Newly Read “Ye Ji” of Jiang Guang Ci (1)

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1928년 벽두 좌익문단을 뜨겁게 달군 이른바 ‘속도’와 ‘정서’의 이슈는 혁명문학에 대한 근본적인 질문을 던지며 폭발적인 반응을 일으켰다. 논쟁의 도화선이 된 蔣光慈의 『현대중국문학과 사회생활』은 혁명을 ‘속도전’이 아닌 모종의 감정 상태로 규정한 점에서 문제적이다. 여기서 蔣光慈는 理性만으로 환원되지 않는 혁명의 또 다른 양상을 포착하고, 혁명은 일거에 판을 바꾸는 데서 끝나지 않으며, 일상에서 그 情緖를 꾸준히 길러 舊習을 무력화하는 데까지 나가야 한다는 점을 역설한다. 숙성의 시간이 담보될 수 없는 속전속결의 시대에 蔣光慈의 진단은 매우 흥미롭다. 그것은 물론 기성의 프로문학과는 차별화된 ‘또 하나의 프로문학’으로 자리매김할 것이다. 본고는 蔣光慈의 시도가 어떻게 기성 문단과는 차별화된 혁명을 연출했는지 評論과 作品을 함께 읽어가면서 새로운 논의의 불씨를 지펴보고자 한다.

The issues associated with “speed” and “emotion” that heated up the left-wing literary world at the very beginning of 1928. They caused an explosive reaction while asking fundamental questions about revolutionary literature. “Contemporary Chinese Literature and Social Life”, written by Jian Guang Ci, triggered this dispute. The article defined revolution as an emotional state rather than a “speed battle”. It is meaningful to review it since it put the brakes on the revolution as an ideology and the movements followed the “Grant recit”. Here, we can capture another aspect of the revolution that cannot be returned by only using rationality. The revolution does not end by changing everything upside down at one stroke, but it should continue until it incapacitates the old habits by cultivating the sentiment continuously. Is that the reason? Jiang Guang Ci’s gaze reaches to the abyss through the e-motion towards the e-out. In the “dimension of affection”, the revolution is implied by the changes in “trust” and “sympathy” deep down inside where numerous clues of emotion are condensed. “Additionally, pluralistic values and worldviews exist in the space where these emotions operate and conflicts between them are inevitable. Therefore, these conflicts are always associated with emotional elements such as commitment, attachment, involvement, and loyalty to a value or a worldview. It does not try to divide politics into ‘public ration’ and ‘private emotion’ dichotomically. Moreover, it supports the idea that we cannot understand it in this way.” “The knowledge of revolution emotion”, a process to find clues of feelings regarding the revolution in a myriad of emotions and cultivate them appropriately, is thus attrition warfare rather than temporary entertainment or collective excitement. While living in the era of a blitzkrieg where the time requiring for maturity cannot be guaranteed, the diagnosis of Jiang Guang Ci is extremely interesting. It will, of course, be established as another “professional literature”, different from the established professional literature. This article aims to discuss how Jiang Guang Ci’s attempt led to a revolutionary situation, separated from the conventional literary world, using individual works.

1. 들어가는 말

2. 革命과 日常

3. 鄙陋한 革命의 肖像

4. 不穩, 그리고 境界

5. 革命의 感覺 vs 感覺의 革命

6. 결론에 대신하여
