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KCI등재 학술저널

한반도 유사시 유엔사(UNC)의 전력 창출에 관한 연구

The Creation of the UNC’ military strength in case war breaks out in the Korean peninsula : Prospects through the historical context of modern war(centered the formation process of the U.S.-led multinational forces)

DOI : 10.37181/JSCS.2017.1.3.001
  • 33

본 考에서는 주요 현대전쟁을 분석하여 미국이 다국적군을 형성하게 된 일련의 과정과 일부 참전국들의 참전 동기, 그리고 이들 국가들이 참전 또는 지원을 결정하기까지의 과정들을 살펴보기로 한다. 이를 통하여 한반도 유사시 유엔사 전력제공국들을 포함한 다수의 국가들이 참전을 결정하는데 있어서 자국 내에서 또는 미국과 자국 간에 어떠한 갈등요소가 내재할 것인지, 어떻게 하면 이를 극복하여 개전 초기부터 국제적인 지지와 협력을 이끌어내어 압도적인 승리의 발판을 삼을 것인지에 대해 정책적인 대안을 제시하고자 한다.

North Korea continuously provokes to siege strike USsince it declared its successful launch of ICBM, ‘Hwasung-14’ in July this year. In addition to such successful launch of ICBM, North Korea conducted its sixth nuclear test on September 3, and announced its success in developing a hydrogen bomb that could hit the US mainland. Upon such provocation, the US shows possibility of military action for preventive war, making the situation in the Korean Peninsula sever than ever before. North Korea increases such confrontations with the US as a tactic to maintain its regime survival while the US responds sharply to the threat of attack on its mainland. In such situation where trial of strength between the two countries is reaching the red line, it is necessary to take interest in the UNC which offers military forces in the event of crisis in the Korean Peninsula. As we look into the modern war history such as the Gulf War and the Afghanistan War, we can understand there were different backgrounds in countries participating in the US-led multinational forces. Apart from voluntary coalition partners, most countries participated in such forces to gain political, security, economical benefits from their continuous relationship with the US or anticipated political and economical compensation support from the US. Some countries were hesitant or unwilling to join forces due to opposing public opinion and fears for the safety of dispatched troops, which led to deteriorating their relationships with the US. Moreover, preference of carrying out humanitarian operations in safe areas rather than combat areas was even seen in countries that decided to dispatch their troops due to consideration of the troop s safety. Through the examined two modern war cases, we can foresee the difficulties in building US-led multinational military forces in time of emergency in the Korean Peninsula. Though it is important for the UNC nations to retain their relationship with the US and keep their international commitment to defend the Peninsula in crisis, they still feel burdened and are unwilling to fight against North Korea. It is doubtful whether nations will dispatch their troops when they face the possibility of economic retaliation of China who advocates North Korea and must send their troops to a battle where North Korea arms itself with ABC weapons(Atomic, Biological, and Chemical) which will result in mass casualties. Therefore, South Korea needs to newly acknowledge the importance of the UNC as a warring party in the event of crisis in the Korean Peninsula. Joint participation in the revitalization of the UNC, which is being steadily promoted under the US-led alliance, should be strengthened in addition to reinforcing friendly relationship with the individual UNC nations who would provide military support in time of war.

1. 서론

2. 주요 현대전쟁사에서의 다국적군 형성과정

3. 한반도 유사시 유엔사 전력 창출 전망

4. 맺음말 : 정책적 함의

