Using the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) system to resolve disputes, rather than going through lawsuits, is used widely all across the world. The mediation system in the ADR has many advantages. Mediation is an ancient Chinese original dispute settlement system. The Chinese government tries to insure mediation to settle the disputes in business activities. There has been a stark increase in disputes following economic development and, in order to solve this, the Supreme People’s Court has placed mediation as a priority in civil suits. In particular, China intends to powerfully move forward by building a “Moderately Prosperous Society” and to eradicate poverty as this year’s economic and social development goal. Solving disputes through mediation would, above all else, be effective and be appropriate to the national development’s goals. China should also provide policies that are fair and do not damage equality while it operates the mediation system.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 중국의 조정제도
Ⅲ. 중국 조정제도의 개선점
Ⅳ. 결 론