The Development of Mobility and Formation of Suburbs in Japan
- 건국대학교 모빌리티인문학 연구원, 건국대학교 아시아·디아스포라 연구소
- International Journal of Diaspora&Cultural Criticism
- Vol.9 No.2
- : KCI등재후보
- 2019.07
- 235 - 256 (22 pages)
Today, it is natural for us to go to work, school and home again by train, subway or car. The development of mobility systems such as public transportation has changed the form of physical movement of people and things, and the influence of this mobility on society has also increased. People are following standardized time schedules, and as a result of the movement of many people, the city expands and suburbs are found as settlements for the influx population. In this paper, we explore how the suburbs formed by the development of systems of mobility such as the railway are formed, and confirm the state of suburban in the post-war period through literature. I will focus on the fact that the works in the background of the suburbs would not have been born without the development of the railway and automobile, the mobility system, and want to examine how Japan’s post-war elements are revealed in the literature.
1. 들어가며
2. 철도의 발달과 초기 교외의 형성
3. ‘전후’ 교외와 단지문학
4. 문학작품 속 교외와 단지
5. 나가며