최근 검색어 전체 삭제

The Effectiveness of the ‘One-Table One-Flower’ Program on Job Stress Management of Police Officials

  • 25

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of flower decorations on job stress and stress copying style of police officers. Flower decorations were done in the form of “one-table one-flower”, in which flowers were placed on each desk in the office space. By analyzing color psychology, we first identified the symbolism of color, and selected the cut flowers in the same color. We selected six types of flowers in six colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. Each Monday morning, the flower decorations were delivered to the police station. We selected 50 subjects who wanted to keep flowers on their desks every week as the experimental group and 44 subjects who only wanted to participated in the assessment as the control group. Before and after the program, we examined the mean difference between the control group and experimental group. After six sessions of the program, there was a significant difference in job stress (p < .001) and stress copying style (p = .049) of the experimental group compared to the control group. Therefore, this study proved that having flower decorations in an office space is effective for the psychological stability of police officers that are highly stressed, due to sensory stimulations from the colors and scents of flowers as well as mutual interaction as they take care of the flowers.


Research Methods

Results and Discussion


