In 1939, National Mobilization Act enabled for mobilization, intermediary and recruitment upon people in Chosun. It was enforced step-by-step process. Because of past published reports and references, commonly ‘enforcement’ categorized in mining. However, Asia-Pacific War draws further, forced recruitment became systematic process which also applied at urban munitions factories. Region of Osaka is one of the finest examples that can be called as ‘Urban Enforced Recruitment’. There are no references or lists about Chosun people who forced to do migration because of urban enforced recruit. Lack of reference came from historical background of urban labor setting of Osaka region. Although mining operation showed systematic forced recruitment since progress of Asia-Pacific war, Labor migration in Osaka region began before the war. This migration came from various populations and fields - Its distinctive characteristic made mere references about enforcement. Still, it is obvious that migration around Osaka region considered as urban enforced recruitment. Osaka was well known for Chinese and Chosun-people labor mobilization. Also war prisoners were forced to product military supply. Especially when port of Osaka became strong point during the war, people of Chosun served as military cargo laborers in supply station. Port 3 was military purpose only - Chosun-laborers shipped cannons, tanks and warhorses. Finally army arsenal was constructed in Osaka and these laborers were forced to move, served this arsenal. Thus Chosun-laborers in Osaka region did not counted as urban enforced recruitment because of these processes. Urban enforced recruitment differs with mine enforcement when it comes to overview of victims; there is no information about urban enforced recruitment. Overall death causation in mine can be referenced if it is other than death caused by inner-assault. Most victims from urban enforced recruitment happened at air raid. Thus it makes hard to understand details. This study was conducted to understand coercion of urban recruitment. Especially this research focused on munitions factories around Osaka region.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 오사카 지역의 공업 및 군사적 위치
Ⅲ. 戰時, 오사카 지역의 도시형 강제연행 과정
Ⅳ. 오사카 지역 ‘도시형 강제연행’의 특징
Ⅴ. 맺음말