최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

전후 일본 정체성 변용의 국내적 내파와 대외적 굴절

Internal Implosion and External Contradictions of Identity Transformation : Excluded Okinawa and Marginalized East Asia in the Post-war Japan

DOI : 10.24939/KJH.2020.4.51.89
  • 248

This study examines intenal implosion and external contrdictions of identity politics in the post-war Japan. It focuses on various studies on Japanese and Japanese culture in the 1960s and extracts key concepts on Japanese identity such as collectivism and family-centered orientation. Based on these traits, nationalism and mercatilism were reinfored each other to influence on the domestic policy toward Okinawa and foreign policies toward East Asian countries under the Ikeda and Sato cabinets. Without moral values for engagement and reconciliation, nationalism was twisted and mercantilism became parochial. As a result, Japanese government isolated Okinawa from the mainlan Japan and marginalized East Asian countries in the order of priority of Japanese foreign policy in the 1960s. It implies that Japanese government, though prosperous materially, juxtaposed sovereign and moral responsibilities and mismanaged them. As a result, negative legacies were remained in both Okinawa problem and Japanese relations with East Asian countries.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 1960년대 이케다 내각과 사토 내각의 국가비전과 정체성 변용: 국민주의와 중상주의로의 수렴과 내재화

Ⅲ. 오키나와 배제와 제한적 국민통합: 국민주의 정체성의 국내적 내파

Ⅳ. 경제협력 외교와 동아시아 주변화: 중상주의 정체성의 대외적 굴절

Ⅴ. 결론: 1960년대 국가정체성 변용과 역사적 책임회피의 유산
